本人欲購LYNX AES16e,接駁至HiFi的CD解碼輸入端(光纖或同軸Coaxcial),是否需要加子卡(LDAT),就有光纖輸出至HiFi?但從香港代理商口中,說不可行,因為LDAT出的是8Channel,而不適用於HiFi輸入,本人不是音響硬件專家,可否指教指教?
I don't like RME HSDP16e AIO although the card had coaxcial and optical output.
Anyone can teach me the actual connection of Lynx AES16e sound card to the optical or coaxcial input of the DAC? Since the DAC contain only traditional optical or coaxcial only.
Please forgive me for the mixing of chinese and english !
Thank you so much to everybody.
A Music lover from Hong Kong