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Orange Blue

文章發表於 : 週五 5月 11, 2001 11:22 pm
德國來的二重唱(?) 二個人就是了

Ja, ach so, what are you doing? it was a little bit strange the whoule stuation, you know, when you are, ehm, when you are here, not really strange, but, yeah, it was, because we had a kind of relationship, hmm, ja, it was a little bit eh weird. ehm, so, i don't know how is it for you?

no, i wasn't really sure actually. i was really in between my .. girlfriend and you. No, it is.. i don't wanna blame you for anything, you know. It is not you. no, that's the usual, usual price you have to pay. Sometimesi think maybe i shouldn't drink a beer or two, though that makes my motions flow.

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