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Rhines Stage 5德國客製化耳機價錢出來了(台灣無代理,要買自己保重)

文章發表於 : 週一 2月 24, 2014 3:49 pm
Stage 5 Price Confirmed

The Rhines Custom Monitors Stage 5 is priced at 1379,- €. An upgrade is possible from any previous product within the Stage series.
Upgrade costs are as follows:
- from Stage 1.2: 910 €
- from Stage 2: 760 €
- from Stage 3: 530 €
- from Stage 4: 290 €
If you have ordered any Stage product from Rhines within 1/1/2014 and the announcement, upgrade costs are free of charge until May 2014. We will only ask the differential amount.
Unfortunately, an upgrade from the Rookie is not possible.

Experience the new level of transparency now!
Stage 5製作費用 57488台灣國 幣
從Stage 1.2升級費用 37967台灣國 幣
從Stage 2升級費用 31709台灣國 幣
從Stage 3升級費用 22114台灣國 幣
從Stage 4升級費用 12100台灣國 幣

不過還是一句老話,台灣無代理,要買自己保重,over :poorcry:

我的耳朵 放風聲Vision Ears五單體價錢又不知道怎麼樣,看來價錢會直接衝上青天吧 :poorcry: ^ :poorcry: ^ :poorcry:

英文看不懂,我路人我旁邊路過的 :poorcry:

ps 看看有沒有買Compact monitors的神人拿回去升級Stage 5看看,台灣才幾隻Compact monitors Stage 4一雙手算的出來吧

Re: Rhines Stage 5德國客製化耳機價錢出來了(台灣無代理,要買自己保重)

文章發表於 : 週一 2月 24, 2014 9:22 pm

Feb 24, 2014最因的消息....因中之因...